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HomeNewsNAC looking to future as it celebrates 30 years in Grande Prairie

NAC looking to future as it celebrates 30 years in Grande Prairie

The Northern Addictions Centre in Grande Prairie has surpassed 30 years of providing service to residents in the region. Alberta Health Services North Zone Addictions and Mental Health Director Carla McLean says one of the long-term goals for her is to have stronger partnerships with other mental health and addiction services in Grande Prairie.

“People that are struggling with addictions and mental health really need a variety of resources so if some of those resources are connected, or we can connect our clients with additional supports in the community then those clients get more well-rounded support overall and will more likely overall in their recovery.”

McLean adds that she believes a big milestone long-term would be removing the stigma behind mental health and addictions. Despite some of the difficulties with mental health and addictions following the COVID-19 pandemic, one silver lining has been an expansion on virtual treatment options.

“I do think it makes it easier and you don’t need to come into a building or a clinic for addiction and mental health so it reduces that particular barrier and makes it a bit easier to just call in or have that zoom session,” she adds.

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“It’s one of those things we didn’t offer a lot before and I think it has opened up potential options for us now.”

McLean emphasizes that virtual services are not always the right fit for an individual’s treatment, and hopes to further improve in-person services as well.

“We’re looking at adding additional beds and expanding that service once restrictions are lifted and we have the space available.”

By integrating and improving both virtual and in-person services beyond the pandemic, McLean believes it will help NAC offer the best services possible, to clients receiving treatment.

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