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HomeNewsCrosslink County Sportsplex opens Monday

Crosslink County Sportsplex opens Monday

The Crosslink County Sportsplex is gearing up to open its doors for Monday. General Manager Kelly Skotnitsky says after a lot of hard work they are ready to have people come through the doors.

“It was very difficult, especially with the way Alberta Health and the Alberta Government jumped around, they didn’t give very much notice so it was hard on the staff and patrons and was a difficult time.”

Skotnitsky says being closed in May was very difficult on the facility, and they are currently working on hiring staff back. He says the plan is to hire more staff back as the facility gets increasingly busier.

“We felt the crunch, we were slow here and there were a lot of layoffs with staff so it was very hard on everybody.”

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Both ice services and the field house will be open, starting June 14th, which will include the ball diamonds and soccer fields.

“As far as the food and beverages industries will not be open as of yet because we’re still waiting on a plan on how we’re going to go about that.”

Skotnitsky adds they are already accepting registrations for youth day camps that are planned to start July 12th.

“Registrations are coming in for that, so parents must be really excited too.”

The Crosslink County Centre will be open daily from 8 a.m until 8 p.m.

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