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HomeNewsCity approves additional funding for coordinated care campus upgrades

City approves additional funding for coordinated care campus upgrades

The city has approved $1.06 million in additional funding for the Coordinated Care Campus, as it closes in on the completion of the final phase of renovations to the 24-hour wrap-around services hub.

The funding, which has been the topic of debate both the city council and Public and Protective Services committee since mid-July, will allow for work to be completed on a dozen change orders, as well the the installation of a commercial kitchen in the facility.

With the additional funding, the cost of upgrades and renovations to the building, which used to be the Stonebridge Hotel, will cost approximately $23 million, $8 million more than initially forecasted in 2021.

Councillor Dylan Bressey says while there was an overall debate about the higher-than-expected costs, he firmly believes getting those who are staying in a facility dedicated to help in the recovery process the best start possible is key.

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“It’s really important people are able to eat quality food while healing, it’s important they’re able to participate in the preparation of that food, because I think it’s such an important part of the community,” he adds. “People who are struggling deserve a realistic, compassionate path to getting on their feet and getting healthy, and this provides that.”

That’s not just the right thing to do, it’s also how we can address social disorder in our community, and ultimately, getting people out cycling through the ER, justice system and emergency shelters, is the best way to save taxpayer dollars in the long term.”

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